Tuesday, September 12, 2006

We Need to Open ANWR

I read yesterday that OPEC was concerned about the falling price of oil. As I watch the pump price slowly creep down to less than a mortgage payment, I have no sympathy that they are only making a zillion dollars this year instead of a gazillion. Actually what they are discussing is the control of the world economy. They have made each of us poorer over the last few years by manipulating production and the speculative markets. The dirty little secret is that oil company profits are a fixed percentage and they have little control over how much actual revenue sales generate. The higher the per gallon price of fuel, the higher the profits. If you can’t understand that, quit reading because the rest of this post will be over your head anyway. I suggest something simple like the DU or Kos. I’m not going to link to them, find them yourself.

It’s time that we take more control of our own economy. The first thing that we need to do is open the Arctic Wildlife National Refuge or ANWR. I was reading voting records of members of congress this morning and one of the things that came up under energy issues was the opening of ANWR. Many Republicans voted against this. Either they have been duped by the wacko environmental lobby, they traded their vote for something they thought was more important, or they are RINOs. Here are some facts.

We know that there is oil in the coastal plain of the ANWR. We don’t know how much but indications are that the field is as large as or larger than Prudhoe Bay field.

The coastal plain is not the pristine mountainous landscape that you see on the evening news. Over half of the ANWR is a flat, frozen, wasteland. Its winter lasts 9 months. Temperatures reach a wind chill -110 degrees Fahrenheit. It is dark for 56 continuous days in the long winter. That means no light whatsoever kids. It is not a hospitable place.

Bambi and Rudolph don’t live there and don’t want to.

There are 17 million acres designated as refuge that cannot be touched, ever.

It is larger than 10 states. It is 3.5 times the size of Massachusetts, 5 times the size of Connecticut, and 25 times the size of Rhode Island. If it were in New York, it would take up over half of the state.

The actual proposed drilling area is about 1/10 of one percent. The leased area is only 8%.

It is flat, barren, and cold. That’s why they call it a plain.

As long as we allow nut jobs to distort the truth, we will always be at the mercy of rich sheiks who want to run our country by proxy.



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