Thursday, October 19, 2006

Wake Up People

Capt Ed beat me to my post idea for today (Rush too) but I will pile on. I am continually amazed at the Republican voters who sacrifice the greater good of our country because the Republican candidate in their district has a differing view on an issue that the voter cares about.

One thing that the Dems have succeeded in doing is convincing the voters to vote for whoever has the (D) beside their name on the ballot. It doesn't matter if the candidate is a murderer, a drunk, a thief, or a yellow dog, Democrats vote for the (D). Whether they understand the ramifications or not, the voters help the party with the big picture. You can't advance your agenda if you are not the party in power.

Republican voters on the other hand cannot get beyond their pet issues to vote for the party candidate to advance the larger party platform. Immoral congressmen, immigration, abortion, taxes, and more are all things that Republican voters can't seem to get over to ensure that we control the agenda. This is inevitibly to our peril.

In 1992 voters stayed away because Bush 41 broke his no new taxes pledge. That gave us the first four years of Bill Clinton. That was the beginning of travelgate, troopergate, nannygate, the attempt to socialize health care, and a chubby intern in a blue dress was hired. In 1996 the religious wing of the party was upset at Bob Dole's tepid stance on abortion. The result was 4 more years of Clinton. Now we had Monica gate, Paula Jones, impeachment, and perjury. We managed to pull ourselves together to barely win in 2000 and we really got our act together in 2004. Now we are on the verge of another myopic election.

I don't have the foggiest idea who will win the election on November 7. I do know that if we Republicans don't learn how to vote for the party to advance the platform as a whole, we will abdicate control to those who are the antithesis of what we believe to be right. Then the religious right will opine about the moral decadence of our country (and they'll be right) but it will be too late. The time to act is now. Vote Republican regardless of what you may or may not agree with. The control of legislation, committees, and the agenda for the next decade is at stake.



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