Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I Have an Idea - Sit Down and Shut Up

John Edwards is being hailed today as a gambler, an edgy bold risk taker, a visionary. But actually he’s still a Democrat. This platform isn’t bold and it certainly isn’t new, it’s the same old Democrat playbook. By the way, it is the Democrat party. If you want the ick then look at their policies. Walter Mondale tried it. George Wallace did too. In fact, the last Democrat to actually campaign on raising taxes and win was F. D. Roosevelt.

Edwards’ strategy is to offer you something for free and then charge you for it. When I was a kid, we used to go to Dallas Cowboy games. There was a guy there named Whistling Ray. He walked around the stadium making bird calls, telling jokes and cutting up. You may have seen him fighting the Redskins chief whatshisname. He always won, just like the ‘boys. Ray would walk up to a guy selling pennants, take them away from him and start yelling “FREE PENNANTS! FREE PENNANTS!” Eventually some sucker would bite and ask for one. As Ray handed it to the man he would say “$2.75 tax!”

John Edwards is the Democrat version of Whistling Ray. He is touting universal health care as his new primary agenda item. Universal health care. You don’t ever have to pay for it. Just go to the doctor and he will take care of you. Never mind that in every country it has been tried, the system flounders due to bureaucracy and over use. Never mind that many patients wait six months to a year for a routine exam. Never mind that emergency doctor visits may take three months before you are seen in the UK.

No, John Edwards wants you to know that not only are we going to give you free health care at absolutely no charge, we are going to raise your taxes to make sure that the government can pay for it. No wonder the Democrats are all orgasmic over this one. They get universal health care to satisfy their socialist yearnings and a tax increase to sate their fascist genes. In one proposal, Edwards wants to intrude even more into your life. He wants to make you even more dependent on the Federal Government. Instead of weaning freeloaders from the national nipple, he’s thrown a little heroin in to make sure that your addiction for free stuff is fed. Then he sticks it to the “man” for your pleasure.

There is no such thing as a free lunch. While Whistling John is peddling his free pennants, watch out for the tax in the backend.



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