Sunday, February 25, 2007

Oh Boo Hoo

The Mexican congress is in a tizzy because some construction workers wandered 10 yards into Mexico. Those construction workers were building a fence to keep Mexican citizens from illegally crossing the border. YGBSM. I don’t know if I’m angry or amused. Yes I do. I’m pissed.

Let’s say that you and I are neighbors. My driveway has a bunch of potholes in it so every night I park my car on your smooth concrete driveway. You don’t like it so you call the cops. They make me return my car back to my property but tomorrow night I’m going to do it again. The cops only catch me about 1 out of every 100 times. Finally one day you’ve had enough and you build a fence to keep me out of your yard. What do I do? I sue you. You see my great-great-great-grandfather owned the land that your house is built on. I know that your great-great-great-grandfather bought the land but down deep, I claim it as my birthright.

That’s what is going on with Mexico. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo established what is now the southwestern border of the United States. The Treaty of Velasco had established the southern (and at the time western) border of Texas as the Rio Grande. Both countries now recognized the border from El Paso to the Pacific. We bought New Mexico (and what is now Arizona) and California for $15,000,000 after realtor fees, closing costs, and points. I know, we over paid.

Now Mexico can’t seem to figure out that we’ve kicked their butts twice, bought the entire southwestern United States, and were gracious enough to give them back their country that we had just conquered. That’s right, we had conquered the entire country and occupied Mexico City. I bet that they didn’t teach you that in California public school did they? Anyway, now they have invaded our country once again. This time by illegal immigration. I just returned from a shopping trip after church. I stopped at Lowe’s and witnessed a tiling demonstration in Spanish. Then we went across the street to Walmart (God’s gift to America) and got stuck in line as the cashier had to get a translator to explain that the person’s check would not approve. Finally, I had to stop at the auto parts store and was subjected to 10 minutes of car maintenance videos in Spanish as I waited in line. It is beyond the realm of comprehension that all of this has been put in place for US citizens.

So we’re building a fence to enforce our internationally recognized legal border. Some of the workers stepped into their country. It’s not like they were making an armed incursion to deliver drugs. The Mexican congress can untie the knot from their collective panties and use them as a suppository.



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