Wednesday, March 28, 2007

268 Democrats Surrender in Iraq

Let’s be honest. Most of the visitors to this blog share a similar political viewpoint. I get a troll every now and then but for the most part, readers seem to be on the right side of the fence. Perhaps you are not one of those people. Maybe you can explain to me how the vote of the congress to set a
timetable for withdrawal is not a vote of surrender.
Sen Reid demonstrates the
proper way to surrender

Since winning the elections last fall, the Democrats have aggressively pushed to return to the Vietnam gameplan. The intent is to defund the war and force the President to order the troops out of Iraq. Vietnam was the high-water mark of the Democrats reign in the 70’s. Once Carter was elected, things started to go downhill and ended up with the losses of congress in ’94. The power hungry want to return to those days. I remember that those were the days in which the Democrats wanted to destabilize America for their own political gain. That has happened again this past week.

When she couldn’t twist enough arms to get the votes outright, Speaker Pelosi had to resort to bribery. We don’t know what kind of Godfatheresque conversations took place, but you can be assured that they happened. The question should be “Who was making the offers that couldn’t be refused?” Well Madam Surrender didn’t want to really take an official position against the war in Iraq because she realizes the consequences come November 2008. But her chattering constituency made an offer that she couldn’t refuse, vote to get out or you won’t be reelected.

The rest of the Democrats were no more eager to go on record as surrenderists but their thirst for pork was greater than their fear of losing in a year and eight months. Former speaker Tip O’Neill once said “…all politics is local.” The current crop of French-like surrenderers are counting on the pork buying the votes that they will need back home. I hope that the Republicans can once again make the elections a national election like in 1994.

But not to be outdone, the senate Dems also voted to surrender. Paul Morin, the commander of the American Legion, has it right when he says, “You can’t support the troops if you want them to cut and run.” The Dems came into power by criticizing the Republicans, who just didn’t want to lose the elections, without offering a real plan of their own. The Republicans will have to work twice as hard to get the truth of the Democrats surrender because they don’t have the propaganda tool of the MSM that the Democrat Party does. Conservatives have 20 months to get the message out and the people motivated to do something about it.

For a great satirical piece on this, check out FrankJ’s IMW today.

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