Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Al Qaeda - "We Suck!"

Okay, that's not the direct quote but it is the spirit of the statements made by an unknown Al-Qaeda operative in documents seized by the US military just south of Baghdad last month. I was googling for Iraq news when I came across a commentary by Rush Limbaugh about how MSM was not reporting that Al-Qaeda's own assessment that their performance in Iraq is failing. I searched for any mention of it in MSM and found it buried at the NYT and in an Investor's Business Daily editorial. Here are some of the things that were in the documents.

"...every year is worse than the previous year." - This kinda of reminds me of Helen Thomas' question to Clinton "Is your presidency going down the drain? Mr. President?! Everything's going down the drain!" They are losing and they know it.

[American and Iraqi forces] "...were able to absorb our painful blows, sustain them, compensate their losses with new replacements, and follow strategic plans which allowed them in the last few years to take control of Baghdad as well as other areas one after another." - Translation: They know what they are doing and we suck.

"Most of the muhjadeen power lies in surprise attacks [hit and run] or setting up explosive charges and booby traps." - We just can't recruit like we used to. All our guys just want to blow themselves up. We really suck.

[the muhjadeen] "...are not considered more than a daily annoyance to the Shiite government." - We REALLY suck bad.

"The policy followed by the brothers in Baghdad is a media oriented policy without a clear comprehensive plan to capture an enemy area or enemy center." - We suck like a White House intern in the 90's. Thank God the American media is helping us or we would be even more pathetic.

As this news spreads across the blogsphere, I'm sure that Kos and others will spout their conspiracy theories. But they can't hide the truth - We are winning and the terrorists know it. They know that they suck and can't do anything about it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The amazing thing is that they would take the time to type this up and leave it lying around to be found. Could it be some elaborate ruse to trick Neo Con Eagles Wings, which is the jihadists' most implacable foe?

9:24 PM  

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