Thursday, March 29, 2007

No, Now Go Away Before I Taunt You a Second Time

Yesterday President Bush joined the rest of America in laughing at congress. It kind of reminded me of the TV commercials with the cell phone companies. You have the one really cool company and the four nerdy companies that get together to stand up to him and tell him they’re going to be cool just like him. It doesn’t work. Well, the current battle between the White House is just like that commercial.

Howie got Nancy, Harry, Chuck and company together and they all decided that they were going to get the cool bully Bush. They sent a bill to Bush that essentially said, “Quit or else!” Bush replied through his speech at the National Cattleman’s Beef Association convention. “No, now go away before I taunt you a second time.”

In lampooning congress, the president showed that he’s not going to let them manage the war from their posh offices on Capitol Hill. Accordingly, the nerdy Dems were upset.

“Why doesn’t he get real with what’s going on in the world?” Harry Reid whined. Um Harry, are you talking about your investments in Las Vegas real estate? I think that the president would rather not get involved with reputed underworld figures or people being investigated for bribery. I know that doesn’t seem to bother you but the president would rather not go there.

Then Nancy Pelosi chimed in, “…we will have legislation that will give him every dollar he asks for for our troops and more, but with accountability.” Mrs. Pelosi, do you mean you want to have him be accountable like you are in your hiring practices? Or would you rather the story that you support illegal immigration to go away?

Of course, no hysterical Democrat screed would be complete without Howard Dean. "He should also stop ignoring the will of the American people, put partisanship aside and work with Congress to fix his failed policies in Iraq." Mr. Dean is an authority on the will of the American people. It just never seems to actually be how he portrays it whenever he makes a public statement.

Mr. Bush responded to the cheap theatrics of the Democrats appropriately.
"Here's the bottom line: The House and Senate bills have too much pork, too many
conditions on our commanders, and an artificial timetable for withdrawal," Mr.
Bush said. "And I have made it clear for weeks, if either version comes to my
desk, I'm going to veto it.
It is also clear from the strong opposition in
both houses that my veto would be sustained. Yet Congress continues to pursue
these bills, and as they do, the clock is ticking for our troops in the field,"
he said.

The collective Democrat fly is open. It’s time they skulk away in embarrassment. Unfortunately, they are too busy being partisan Democrats to notice.

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