Thursday, April 26, 2007

Someone With Integrity

It’s an old adage that there is no such thing as bad publicity. However, when a person spends a week in the press portrayed as out of touch, a git, a ninny, a moron, retarded, or brain damaged, and then the next week is back in the press as offending a Catholic church Archbishop, that person is stretching the limits of the above axiom. Sheryl Crow just can’t seem to stay away from bad press. I must apologize to the brain damaged and retarded people for linking them to Sheryl Crow. I did not mean to disparage you.

It seems that the Archbishop of St Louis, the Most Reverend Raymond Burke, resigned his position as chairman of the Cardinal Glennon Children’s Foundation. The organization had booked the TP queen for a concert and Bishop Burke wanted the concert cancelled because of Crow’s pro-abortion activism. When the foundation’s board of governors chose profit over principle, Bishop Burke resigned.

I am not Catholic. But Bishop Burke has shown himself to be a man of integrity. He suggested that John Kerry be denied communion for his pro-abortion statements and the church couldn’t stand the negative publicity. It is time that more Christians, Catholic and protestant, take a stand for their beliefs publicly. That’s not to say that pickets should be formed outside every human slaughterhouse in America (though that would be a great thing). That is the mission for some but not everyone. Believers of every faith can no longer keep silent. We will be held accountable for the murder of millions of babies if we do not give voice to our beliefs.

A little over a week ago, the Supreme Court bravely acknowledged that there is barbarism in the practice of abortion. Although that is my description of their actions, it is a beginning of a battle for the unborn future leaders of this country. The pro-death abortionists realize this and have stepped up their campaigns to save their murderous agenda. I believe that Justice Ginsberg even referred to this as an issue of women’s health. BS. Children are not a disease Ms Ginsberg. They are a gift from a benevolent Creator. Archbishop Burke gets it. We should all take heed of his example.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crow giving her time and talent to this cause is no more an endorsement of abortion by Glennon Hospital than Burke is endorsing racism by being on the Board of an institution named for his segregationist predecessor.

The truth is that the late Cardinal O’Connor of New York, whose pro-life bona fides were clear, invited pro-choicers like Jeanne Kilpatrick and Ed Koch to assist with Catholic fundraising. Maybe the rules are different if you are pro-choice and a neo-con.

7:26 AM  

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