Thursday, September 21, 2006

I Agree with Bolton

The blogshpere has erupted over the Chavez speech. Ambassador Bolton was correct. We don't need to respond to this comic strip dictator. Or his butt monkey Amanutjob.

The lovely SarahK has called for a boycott of Venezuelan owned Citgo. Here are some other things that we could do:

We switch the shampoo in his courtesy hotel bottles to Preparation H

Send Pee Wee Herman to his next speech and whenever Chavez pauses he yells "I know you are but what am I?"

Everytime he says "my country" in a speech, we have Donny Osmond jump up and sing "And I'm a little bit rock and roll."

Have the CIA paint cartoons of Muhammad on the side of the Venezuelan Presidential Palace.

We deport Norm Chomsky to Venezuela

Start filming "The View" in Caracas

Hook him up with Rosie O'Donnell

Squirt him in the crotch with water pistols at his next televised speech

Lock him in a room with Terrell Owens for a couple of weeks

Change the translation of all his speeches: " I love America. George Bush is Hot! I just farted on Noam Chomsky's book. Doesn't the president of Iran look like an advertisement for evolution or what? I used to have really bad acne until I tried Acne Statin. I'm just a two bit dictator. Fat chicks rule!"

Laugh at him.



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