Monday, September 25, 2006

Don't You Ask Me a Question Grounded in Fact

Yesterday, Foxnews aired an interview between former President Little Willie Clinton and Chris Wallace. Things were going swimmingly when the questioning ventured into an area that is way too sensitive for LWC. It's called the truth.

Wallace asked Clinton to respond to the criticisms from some who say that he didn't do enough to get Bin Laden. LWC threw a full-fledged temper tantrum. He raised his eyebrows (a proven sign that he's lying), he squinted (means: I'm tough like Dirty Harry), he wagged his finger (Peter Jennings asked me tough questions and look where he is today), and he turned red (if I don't inhale, I look really mad). He claimed that the interview was a right-wing setup. Answer the question. He said that Bush didn't do anything. Answer the question. He said that it was the FBI's fault. Answer the question. He said that it was the CIA's fault. Answer the question. He said that it was Karl Rove's fault. Answer the question. Then he said that he was obsessed with Osama Bin Laden. I thought that the only OBL that LWC was obsessed with during his administration was an Overweight B@!! Licker.

And yet, when a person who has direct knowledge of the events is interviewed, they seem to refute LWC's wild assertions. Michael Scheuer had this exchange with Harry Smith of the CBS "Early Show":

Harry Smith: "Elizabeth Palmer live in Pakistan this morning, thank you. I'm going to go back now to Michael Scheuer once again. Let's talk about what President Clinton had to say on Fox yesterday. He basically laid blame at the feet of the CIA and the FBI for not being able to certify or verify that Osama bin Laden was responsible for a number of different attacks. Does that ring true to you?"
Michael Scheuer: "No, sir, I don't think so. The president seems to be able, the former president seems to be able to deny facts with impugnity. Bin Laden is alive today because Mr. Clinton, Mr. Sandy Berger, and Mr. Richard Clarke refused to kill him. That's the bottom line. And every time he says what he said to Chris Wallace on Fox, he defames the CIA especially, and the men and women who risk their lives to give his administration repeated chances to kill bin Laden."
Harry Smith: "Alright, is the Bush administration any less responsible for not finishing the job in Tora Bora?"
Michael Scheuer: "Oh, I think there's plenty of blame to go around, sir, but the fact of the matter is that the Bush Administration had one chance that they botched, and the Clinton Administration had eight to ten chances that they refused to try. At least at Tora Bora our forces were on the ground. We didn't push the point. But it's just, it's an incredible kind of situation for the American people over the weekend to hear their former president mislead them."
Harry Smith: "And, and, and with this also further revelation that, in fact, the war in Iraq has only exacerbated the terrorist situation. Michael Scheurer, we thank you so much for your time this morning."

LWC blew his chances. Now he's lying about it. He gets mad if you ask him why. I hope that Chris Wallace looks out because people who make LWC mad have a way of becoming accident prone. But he tried he said. He tried really hard. To LWC, that's the same thing. Even if it isn't true.

H/T: Major portions of this post were stolen from
