Friday, September 08, 2006

Oh Boo Hoo

It seems that the Dems are a little upset over a mini-series set to air on ABC about the events leading up to 9/11/01. The bone of contention appears to be that the producers intend to intersperse the drama (that's made up stuff for those in you of Melrose) with actual facts. [gasp, shudder, okay I'm over it]

Slick Willie and the rest of the DNC have called out the propaganda arm of the party and MSM is blasting ABC for daring to use truth when discussing the Clinton administration. It is understandable that they would be apoplectic over anything resembling the truth of his administration. I mean, they've worked so hard to revise history that they can't tolerate any cracks in the facade. Here are some facts as we know them:

1. Clinton was mired in a scandal and facing impeachment over his indelicacies with a chubby White House intern. (I know that I didn't have to put chubby but I did - I could have said fat)
2. In between oral copulations with said fat chick, Clinton got a call from Sudan (Melrose that's a country in Africa not a town in west Texas) offering to arrest Osama bin Laden and extradite him to the US to get him out of their country. SOMEBODY - Sandy Berger, Billy Boy, Monica (but I doubt it was her; her mouth was full), answered the phone and said nope, we don't want OBL, we've got an overweight ball licker right here.
3. Clinton became fixated with OBL and asked about him everyday, or so he and Berger say. That was smart to testify to that assertion before the 9/11 Commission because now it is a matter of Congressional record and is considered a fact. Even if they totally made it up.
4. Monica decided to have her dress mounted and hung on a wall in her new double-wide that Willie was going to buy her.
5. After OBL blows up the African embassies, Willie finds out what OBL really stands for and fondles Ms Willey.
6. Willie is waiting for all of this to blow over when Juanita Broderick calls and tells him that she's late. *wink, wink*
7. Willie decides to do something to appear to be involved and strong so he starts a bombing campaign in Yugoslavia and sends some ambassadors from San Francisco to change the country. We ended up with Bosnia and Hertzigovinia (sp). *NOTE: The ambassadors parlayed this into their own TV show called Queer Eye for the dictator.
8. Sandy Berger realizes that some of this might be recorded somewhere and goes to the national archives to see. While there he found a discarded Subway chicken teriyaki sandwich and stuffed it into his pants. Somehow, the sandwich had been wrapped in top secret documents verifying that Hillary is a lesbian.

These are just a few of the facts that Clinton doesn't want you to know.

DISCLAIMER: Dramatic License was taken with some of the information in this post to render it effective and accessible for its readers.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

If it Walks, Talks, and Smells Like a Skunk...

Some people call him General, some Wesley, and others Weasley Clark. But if you examine his public statements, I believe that the only proper moniker can be traitor.

Our U.S. Constitution defines spells out treason as: “…levying War against them [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort (Art III sec 3).

Since his retirement from the US Army, Mr. Clark has waged war against President Bush verbally. I do not suggest that dissension is treacherous but that his rhetoric has elevated to the level of adhering to our enemies and giving them aid and comfort. Today’s statements are a prime example. In response to President Bush’s speech today Washington, Mr. Clark stated that (paraphrased) while no one denies the seriousness of the terror threat, “…most people believe that the invasion of Iraq was a mistake.” Really?

It is statements like this that lead me to believe that Mr. Clark’s remarks embolden our enemies with the sense that Americans do not have the resolve to continue the fight against terror. Remarks like this weaken public opinion of the war on terror and adheres the speaker with the cause of our enemies. Mr. Clark’s campaign against this administration gives aid and comfort to our enemies be seeking to destroy our elected leaders.

Mr. Clark has the right to his opinions. In fact, he has been stating this particular opinion for several years now. He has the protected right to voice those opinions. However, he must understand that when his words are designed to flirt with the line between truth and falsehood with the intent to undermine our president, he is waging war not against a man but against our country. In my protected opinion, Mr. Clark is a traitor.
