Thursday, May 11, 2006

Nice Try Howie

Well, there he goes again. Howie Dean has once again taken to the airwaves to lie to the American people. To qualify the following remarks, I did not see the interview that Mr. AAARRGH! had on the 700 club. I saw references to it at Newsmax and followed up with the article at the CBN website. My comments are based on those reports so don't get batty on me.

His remarks only further demonstrate that he is completely detached from reality. Here are some of the gems he delivered:

"The truth is, we have a tremendous amount in common with the Christian community."

Technically, he's right. Liberals and conservative Christians are both human. At least the conservatives are. I don't see many similarities after that.

And one of the biggest things that Democrats worry about is the materialism of our country, what's on television that our kids are seeing, and the lack of spirituality. And that's something we have in common.

Howie must have missed the counting segments of Sesame Street. Actually, conservative Christians are more concerned with the liberal left undermining the efforts of parents to rear their children based on biblical concepts than they are with rampant materialism. They are concerned that the television shows produced by your cronies on the far out left are a major obstacle to instilling Godly values. And lastly, there is not a lack of spirituality but flood of pseudo spiritists that confuse and dilute the minds of impressionable people with a form of spirituality that has an inherent antipathy toward the Bible.

The interview was rife with quotes that are sure to come back to haunt the Dems. In fact, Howie has already had to retract his statements on Democrat support for marriage between a man and a woman because he angered his gay/lesbian base. He hinted that the Dems must talk about values and try to convince the American people that they mean it. I'll close with a final quote.

"one of the misconceptions about the Democratic Party is that we're godless and that we don't have any values."

Actually Howie, the biggest misconception is that you think that we will buy this pap. Nice try pal.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Al Qaeda - "We Suck!"

Okay, that's not the direct quote but it is the spirit of the statements made by an unknown Al-Qaeda operative in documents seized by the US military just south of Baghdad last month. I was googling for Iraq news when I came across a commentary by Rush Limbaugh about how MSM was not reporting that Al-Qaeda's own assessment that their performance in Iraq is failing. I searched for any mention of it in MSM and found it buried at the NYT and in an Investor's Business Daily editorial. Here are some of the things that were in the documents.

"...every year is worse than the previous year." - This kinda of reminds me of Helen Thomas' question to Clinton "Is your presidency going down the drain? Mr. President?! Everything's going down the drain!" They are losing and they know it.

[American and Iraqi forces] "...were able to absorb our painful blows, sustain them, compensate their losses with new replacements, and follow strategic plans which allowed them in the last few years to take control of Baghdad as well as other areas one after another." - Translation: They know what they are doing and we suck.

"Most of the muhjadeen power lies in surprise attacks [hit and run] or setting up explosive charges and booby traps." - We just can't recruit like we used to. All our guys just want to blow themselves up. We really suck.

[the muhjadeen] "...are not considered more than a daily annoyance to the Shiite government." - We REALLY suck bad.

"The policy followed by the brothers in Baghdad is a media oriented policy without a clear comprehensive plan to capture an enemy area or enemy center." - We suck like a White House intern in the 90's. Thank God the American media is helping us or we would be even more pathetic.

As this news spreads across the blogsphere, I'm sure that Kos and others will spout their conspiracy theories. But they can't hide the truth - We are winning and the terrorists know it. They know that they suck and can't do anything about it.


Fair is Fair - Give info to Minutemen

Michelle Malkin has brought to light the story of how our government is providing information on the activities of law-abiding citizens to a foreign government that is bent on the destruction of our constitutional government and the annexation of the southwestern US including two of our three largest states. Am I over reacting? Is this simply hyperbole meant to inflame? I don't think so, but I'll let you decide.

First, let me explain for my family and friends in Arkansas. There are people in our government that are telling the Mexican government where American citizens are observing the US/Mexican border so that Mexicans who wish to break our laws and enter this country illegally can avoid them. Further, American border patrol agents have been ordered to disregard the calls of ordinary US citizens reporting an illegal border crossing.

The Mexican government encourages its citizens to come to the US and send money back to Mexico. This illegal subsidizing of the Mexican economy is in the billions of dollars annually. The public uproar has caused the border patrol suits to back-track and throw out false stories to cover up their spying on US citizens. Malkin addresses this directly here.

I am among the staunchest of President Bush's supporters. His administration is wrong on this. We need to secure all of our borders, document all persons who cannot show legal residency, and begin the process of returning them to their country of origin (all countries, all races without discrimination) where they can begin the process of LEGALLY entering this country. Yes this will be painful and possibly have a negative impact on our economy. But to do anything less is endangering the safety and security of United States citizens. If a nation needs financial aid, let it be appropriated through the congressional budget process legally.

In the meantime, it is only fair that to offset the Customs & Border Patrol, our government should provide private citizen border watch groups with all intelligence that it has on the most used routes and locations for illegal border crossings. After all, fair is fair.


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

We Need More Joe!

Drudge linked to a story today that Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, AZ is calling up his posse of deputies to arrest illegal aliens for smuggling themselves into the U.S. He stated that he's not going to turn them over to the feds but going to put them in county lockup for breaking a state smuggling law. The food fight over this one is going to be fun to watch.

The audacity of sheriff Arpaio is brilliant. This goes hand in hand with his chain gangs, striped prison uniforms, and hot pink underwear for male prisoners (my favorite - had bad can a dude in pink BVD's be?). He's put them in tents and told prisoners to suck it up. If it's good enough for our boys in Iraq, it's good enough for the inmates of Maricopa County.

The lawyers have already began stuttering out loud and sounding generally stupid. I know that I'm stating the obvious. Joe won't back down to liberal trial lawyer threats and expect the good people of Arizona to support him. We need more people like Sherriff Arpaio that understand that jail is punishment and not a social program. Joe for President!
