Friday, September 15, 2006

Exactly What Did He Get Wrong?

I'm not Catholic. I'm a Baptist. We may disagree on doctrinal interpretation but we do agree on many key points. First, we worship the Hebrew deity YHWH, the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We believe that God sent the person of his son to live a blameless human life and sacrifice himself for the sins of mankind. We believe that one day God will once again send his son Jesus to conquer the enemies of God, temporal and spiritual, and will end the enmity between God and man. On these things we agree.

The leader of the Catholic church has come under fire for comments made about Islam. As a Christian, I see a fellow believer who is being attacked for speaking the truth and I feel compelled to comment.

Pope Benedict quoted a 14th century emperor that questioned what Muhammad had brought to the world religions that was a new idea. The Pope is exactly right. Muhammad brought a moon-fertility god of the pagan Meccans, called Allah, and made him a god of war. He specifically commanded that followers were to command non-believers to convert at the point of a sword or die. He futher commanded that followers were to eradicate Jewish and Christian non-believers that he call infidels. Muhammad didn't bring anything new to the table. He simply adopted various qualities of pagan religions that he liked and packaged them in a monotheistic package he called Islam.

Today, Islamic leaders of religion and government are condemning the Pope's remarks. Like the American democrats shrilling against shining the light on Bill Clinton's infidelities, the truth appears to be the most damaging and painful of weapons. If Islam is the religion of peace, consider these quotes in response to the Pope's comments:

"Benedict, the author of such unfortunate and insolent remarks, is going down in history for his words," he said. "He is going down in history in the same category as leaders such as (Adolf) Hitler and (Benito) Mussolini." [He is going to cause a second Holocaust. Not that Muslims recognize the first Holocaust. Matter-of-fact, I'm pretty sure that Muslims wouldn't recognize a Holocaust if it jumped up and B___ slapped them.]

"The pope has thrown gasoline onto the fire ... in a world where the risk of a clash between religions is high" [He's making us kill you]

"Anyone who describes Islam as a religion as intolerant encourages violence" [You're going to kill us if we don't call you tolerant?]

"What he has done is that he has quoted very offensive remarks by some emperor hundreds of years ago," she added. "It is not helpful (because) we have been trying to bridge the gap, calling for dialogue and understanding between religions." [We talk and you understand, convert or we will kill you. We may kill you anyway just because you are a Jew or a Christian]

What he didn't say was the Muhammad was a pedophile, a false prophet, a psychopath, or anything else that was true. The Pope is right. Muhammad was a nutjob. Now he's a dead nutjob. To the shrieking Islamists in the press I say "Truth Hurts."


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Science Proves Widely Held Truth - Men Are Smarter

Drudge linked today to this article that demonstrates that the fairer sex is not necessarily the more intelligent sex. While I know that I married an exception to the rule, I am amazed that women have limited abilities and are barely able to function at all without assistance.

Most women have to rely on trickery and deceit to achieve anything of consequence. For example, a women gets pulled over for speeding. What's the first thing that she does? She starts crying. If she has the equipment for it, she may even unbutton an extra button on her blouse. I'm not saying that the methods work. I'm just sharing the method.

Think back to when you were young. You knew that asparagus would make you gag and your butt pucker. But your mother would say something like, "Just try it one more time. You may find out that you like it." Spending the rest of the night with dry heaves meant nothing to her. She was able to get rid of an undesireable vegetable.

Men don't get off free however. We may have more intelligence but we don't seem to be too effective in using it when we fall to these obvious schemes. I mean if a women even hints that sex may be a reward, most men will take out the trash, pick up their underwear, and even wash the dog. Dishes will pile up in the sink for weeks. Let the little lady wink at you and say, "You might get lucky if I get these dishes finished" and guys will be hiding dishes in the oven, under the couch, even in the fireplace. Animals.

But if your kid has a homework problem, who does he come to? Dad. If it is something simple like applying a band-aid, he goes to Mom. It's the natural order. I just have one observation, If Hillary is the smartest woman in the world, is that anything to brag about?

I am so lucky that my wife doesn't read this blog.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Now That's Torture

The NYT reported yesterday that the CIA stripped Abu Zabaydah naked and used blaring Red Hot Chili Peppers music to coerce information from him. Information that led to the arrest of Kalid Sheikh Muhammad. Personally I think a lot more effective means could have been used. Here are some of my ideas:

Use anything by Barry Manilow. 24 hours of Mandy will have the subject screaming to confess

Play Rod Stewart's "Tonight's the Night" and keep sending big hairy bubbas into his cell to leer at him, smile, and then leave

Play all of the "Sweatin to the Oldies" series

Play the Godfather theme until he believes that he is going to join Luca Brazzi

Bring in Christopher Lowell to redecorate his cell

Play any song recorded by William Shatner. It will only take one

Use David Hasselhof's "Looking for Some Freedom"

Loop endless reruns of "The Osbornes." Then make him write down two complete sentences that Ozzy used

Play Tim Curry's "I'm So #^&*$ Lonely, I could die"

Show "Muslim Girls Gone Wild"

Play David Lee Roth's "Don't Mess With My Tootoot"

Play Bill Clinton playing the saxaphone

Send in Janet Reno to snuggle with him

Follow that with Madeline Albright

And then Helen Thomas

Make him stand in for Tony Snow at a White House press conference

Make him watch every second of "Napoleon Dynamite" until he breaks

Or we could just ask nicely and trust him to truthfully tells us what we need to know.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

We Need to Open ANWR

I read yesterday that OPEC was concerned about the falling price of oil. As I watch the pump price slowly creep down to less than a mortgage payment, I have no sympathy that they are only making a zillion dollars this year instead of a gazillion. Actually what they are discussing is the control of the world economy. They have made each of us poorer over the last few years by manipulating production and the speculative markets. The dirty little secret is that oil company profits are a fixed percentage and they have little control over how much actual revenue sales generate. The higher the per gallon price of fuel, the higher the profits. If you can’t understand that, quit reading because the rest of this post will be over your head anyway. I suggest something simple like the DU or Kos. I’m not going to link to them, find them yourself.

It’s time that we take more control of our own economy. The first thing that we need to do is open the Arctic Wildlife National Refuge or ANWR. I was reading voting records of members of congress this morning and one of the things that came up under energy issues was the opening of ANWR. Many Republicans voted against this. Either they have been duped by the wacko environmental lobby, they traded their vote for something they thought was more important, or they are RINOs. Here are some facts.

We know that there is oil in the coastal plain of the ANWR. We don’t know how much but indications are that the field is as large as or larger than Prudhoe Bay field.

The coastal plain is not the pristine mountainous landscape that you see on the evening news. Over half of the ANWR is a flat, frozen, wasteland. Its winter lasts 9 months. Temperatures reach a wind chill -110 degrees Fahrenheit. It is dark for 56 continuous days in the long winter. That means no light whatsoever kids. It is not a hospitable place.

Bambi and Rudolph don’t live there and don’t want to.

There are 17 million acres designated as refuge that cannot be touched, ever.

It is larger than 10 states. It is 3.5 times the size of Massachusetts, 5 times the size of Connecticut, and 25 times the size of Rhode Island. If it were in New York, it would take up over half of the state.

The actual proposed drilling area is about 1/10 of one percent. The leased area is only 8%.

It is flat, barren, and cold. That’s why they call it a plain.

As long as we allow nut jobs to distort the truth, we will always be at the mercy of rich sheiks who want to run our country by proxy.


Monday, September 11, 2006

My Sept 11 Memory

It was 18 days before I was scheduled to return to the United States. I was stationed at Kunsan AB, Republic of Korea. I had just returned from watching Monday night football at the NCO club. They show the football games tape delayed by about 15 hours. When I got back to my dormitory, I turned on the TV and saw the first World Trade Center Tower on fire. I heard the commentator say that a plane had just hit the building. Then as I watched, I saw a shadow of an airplane slam into the second tower. A huge fireball and a ton of burning debris fell to the ground. I immediately called my boss and told him about the terrorist attack.

We weren’t the only ones to see the disaster live on base that night. Within minutes, the command post closed the base and took us to our highest level of alert. We watched transfixed even though we knew that the next day would be very long, busy, and tiring. Then the first tower fell. The commentators said that there could be as many as 16,000 people in there. I suddenly needed to wretch. I spent the rest of the night in prayer. I watched in horror as the second tower crashed to the ground. I heard that a plane had crashed into the Pentagon. There was a rumor that another plane had crashed in a Pennsylvania field. Separated from my family for 12 months and 3000 miles, I cried myself to sleep that night.

The next day, sadness turned to anger and then rage as it became apparent that Islamists had committed an act of war against our country. We still had a lot of questions but one thing was clear, we were never going to be the same again.

In the five years since, I still can’t think about that day without getting that sick feeling in my stomach. We’ve learned that Afghanistan provided safe haven for the terrorists to train and we removed that government from power. We discovered that Sadaam Hussein brought terrorists in and trained them at Salman Pak to hijack airplanes. We removed him from power, killed his sons, and he is now on trial for crimes against humanity. In the course of securing the peace in Iraq, we have managed to draw the majority of the terrorists who want to kill is into the region and we are killing them daily, before they can kill us.

We have captured or killed most of the terror groups’ leadership, including the self-proclaimed second in command, Zarqawi. And yet the struggle continues. Political forces seeking to fill the void in Iraq, have used terrorists and terror tactics in an attempt to seize power and intimidate the citizenry. The Taliban has reasserted itself with guerilla warfare in Afghanistan. There are still arrests being made around the globe of Islamists who seek to enforce their religion on the world.

Make no mistake. This is a religious war. An unholy war, but a religious war nonetheless. The Islamists are seeking to fulfill their Koranic duty to kill all infidels. They define infidels as any Jew or Christian, or any other person who refuses to convert to their hate filled, murderous, perverted religion. They seek to suppress women’s rights and make them little more than property. They hate their own lives so much that they are willing to murder their own children by placing explosives in their baby bottles to kill infidels. They do all of this for the perverted promise of eternal sex with 72 concubines.

They hate America. The Islamists see America as the symbol of worldwide Christianity and a proxy for Judaism. We represent everything they loathe. Their religion is the antithesis of Christianity. Their Allah is a god of hate. Our God, Yahweh, is the God of love. Their god commands them to kill; our God says that He loved the world so much that he sent His Son to pay the price for our admission to eternity. Their god treats women as little more than animals. The Lord God says that we are to love our wives and give ourselves up for them even as Christ gave himself up for the church. Their promise is of 72 virgins in the afterlife (what happens after the 72nd one? Are they done with sex? Do they now have to spend eternity with 72 whores?). Our promise is eternity spent worshipping the one true God, in a place that he has prepared just for us. Choose for yourself whom you will serve. As for me, and my household, we will serve the Lord.

A political solution will never solve this problem. At the same time, we cannot falter or waver in our struggle against this enemy who has sworn our destruction. The only way to achieve peace is through the annihilation of those who seek to kill us. We cannot take for granted any longer that our lives will be lived without conflict. We must continue this struggle with every last bit of devotion until we eradicate this blight from the face of the earth or until Messiah comes to reign in glory.

May the Lord of Heaven and Earth have mercy on the souls of those who have died at the hands of these Cretans. May He bless the families and comfort those who have lost loved ones. May He bless the United States of America.
