Monday, November 09, 2009

Don't Drink the Kool-Aid

Within minutes of the Fort Hood tragedy, we had representatives of the government, in the military and out, avowing that the shooter simply was distressed about deploying. The response was too quick and too uniform. I am not a conspiracy theorist. George Bush and Dick Cheney did not blow up the WTC with satchel charges. I've had lunch with people who were in the Pentagon on 9/11/01 and were feet away from the impact of the aircraft. They weren't brainwashed, threatened, coerced or for that matter lying.

But when the government comes out and says "All is well!" I still see Kevin Bacon standing before the onrushing riot screaming for calm with the party lie (if you don't know what I mean, go rent Animal House).

Now, with the calm of a couple of days to conduct an investigation into the shooter's life and background, we begin to see hints that perhaps the public persona did not match the private truth of Maj. Hasan. I do not know that any of these rumors are true. They may very well prove to be fabrications of morons that are just as dangerous as the government patsies.

However, I have discovered that healthy skepticism is warranted when our government is so quickly publicly stating a position and they have no greater grasp on the facts than any supermarket tabloid. The rumors are:
1. That Hasan had been a frequent (at least recently) visitor to known Al Queda websites.
2. He had been under advisement of an iman in Falls Church, VA that also advised the hijackers of Sep 2001.
3. He had made several statements publicly, verbally and on the Internet, that showed him to be more loyal to the radical viewpoints of Islam than to this country.
4. It could be inferred that the act was premeditated for several months as his behavior took on traits that would be contrary to his religion. It has been reported that he drank and frequented strip bars. Not a big deal in itself but out of character for a devout Muslim. Unless perhaps he expected absolution through martyrdom.

Some or even all of these rumors may prove to be false. Perhaps the government was accurate in telling us that he "just snapped" and was not motivated by ideological desires. But I have to remember that this is the same government that told us not to worry, the shooter was dead. Perhaps I could believe that -- nope, that's not a flavor of kool-aid that I'm going to drink this time. I'm just saying. So that you can read these stories for yourself, and make your own determination, here are links:
Canada Free Press
Northeast Intelligence Network