Friday, March 16, 2007

The Democrats Have No Morals

If immoral is the opposite of moral, what is moral? Webster defines it thus:

Main Entry: mor·al
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin moralis, from mor-, mos custom
Date: 14th century
1 a: of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior : ethical (moral judgments) b: expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior (a moral poem) c: conforming to a standard of right behavior d: sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment (a moral obligation) e: capable of right and wrong action (a moral agent)2: probable though not proved : virtual (a moral certainty)3: perceptual or psychological rather than tangible or practical in nature or effect (a moral victory) (moral support)
— mor·al·ly - adverb

JCS Chairman Gen Peter Pace has come under fire recently for stating that he felt homosexuality to be immoral. As I understand the above definition, one’s sense of morals comes from their beliefs. At some point in his life, Gen Pace undoubtedly came to the conclusion that the homosexual lifestyle was not compatible with his beliefs. His statements further suggest that he believes that forcing that lifestyle upon heterosexual troops is a detriment to the good order and discipline of a military unit. I’m not trying to put words in his mouth. That’s just the way that I interpret what he said. Here’s the quote:

I believe homosexual acts between two individuals are immoral and that we should not condone immoral acts.

I do not believe the United States is well served by a policy that says it is OK to be immoral in any way.

MSM wants to immediately castigate him and portray him to be a homophobe. This only serves to support Ann Coulter’s comments that the left wants to make it illegal to be a Republican. If I could, I would alter the statement to say that the left wants to make it illegal to be anything other than left. Be it Christian, Jew, conservative, libertarian, or anything else not left.

Now Hillary and Obama have come out saying that it is not immoral to be a homosexual. Apparently the polling data came in and they realized that they would lose the contributions of the gay-left if they didn’t say something to condemn the General. What the two Democrats exhibit though, is that they have no morals. Everything is permissible as long as it doesn’t impact them personally.

Gen Pace made a statement that demonstrated his beliefs. Those beliefs are in tune with traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs that our country was founded upon. The attacks from the anti-military left are simply a convenient tool to attack the military establishment. Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama have demonstrated that they hold no such beliefs. I can only conclude that they are themselves devoid of morals.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Terrorists Who Suck

Here's a hint: if you see or hear a helicopter coming to your terrorist compound, don't shoot at it our you will die. If you surrender, you get to live. These guys are so stupid--they never learn.

Release Date:
Release Number:

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Coalition Forces killed seven terrorists during an operation Wednesday and captured six others today while targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq.
Intelligence reports indicated terrorists directing vehicle-borne improvised explosive device operations and the distribution of IEDs and weapons were operating at a targeted location in Mosul.
Coalition Forces approaching the targeted area by helicopter received enemy fire from several vehicles. Coalition Forces returned fire from the helicopter, killing five terrorists.
Coalition Forces continued their mission and searched the targeted buildings and found a rocket-propelled grenade launcher, RPG rounds, and assault weapon magazines. They destroyed the weapons cache on the site to prevent further use by terrorists.
After clearing the targeted buildings, ground forces began receiving sniper and machine gun fire from another building. Ground forces returned fire killing two terrorists.
Today, four suspected terrorists with alleged ties to IED attacks were captured in an operation northeast of Karmah. Two more suspects were captured southeast of Al Qa'im in an operation targeting an al-Qaeda in Iraq associated weapons dealer.
"Coalition Forces will continue to successfully kill or capture al-Qaida in Iraq terrorists regardless of where they may hide or operate," said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesperson.



Monday, March 12, 2007

Catching Up

Well the week-long war games are over and the world is once again safe. Blogging can recommence.

I missed several things I wanted to blog about last week but timing is everything and in this microwave society, their time has passed. I loved Ann Coulter’s column on the crime of being a Republican. I also thought that her comments about Edwards were funny, not offensive. To be fair I would have been mad had she made those comments about me. But I’m not a preening sissy girl out of touch with everyday Americans and she wasn’t talking about me; or gays for that matter. I think that real faggots should be upset to be compared to John Edwards.

Val Plame and her big-mouthed husband are leaving Washington D.C. for Santa Fe, NM. If I see them I’ll be sure to say hi but I try not to go there very often. It takes weeks to scrub the dirty feeling from my conscience. Ian at Hot Air said it best – good riddance. I thought that the obit on her by the NYT was a bit over the top but I’m sure that it’s Bush’s fault. BTW – I’ve heard that the dope smoking hippies are excited to have a real CIA agent in their midst. I hope that they realize that Cody Banks is fictional.

Finally, the biggest piece of news happened over the weekend. That will be the subject of my next post. Oh, and if FrankJ should catch this post – I would say that Aquaman’s a “faggot” but I don’t want to go to therapy either.
