Tuesday, June 05, 2007


My apologies to Steve Martin. Did you see what Hillary's objection to making English the "official" language was? It showed her true colors. When asked if English should be the official language, Hill was so concerned that she voted against using "official" and chose instead "national" because if English is the "official" language, the government can't hire translators to work in hospitals.

She tossed out a red herring that ballots could only be printed in English, not Spanish, and slid the translator thing in under the tag (it's a baseball analogy for those of you who have led sheltered lives). First, if ballots are only in English, I think that's a good thing. If you don't have the desire to learn the language but want to share in the bounty of this country, then you shouldn't be able to vote until you do. I don't care how many politicians promise you a free ride on the gravy train. Immigrate legally, learn the language or leave. I live in a bi-lingual state and it only leads to a state of confusion.

But the translator thing showed what Hill really thinks that the role of government should be. Like her national health care plan that went down quicker than a Rosie O'Donnell movie, senator Clinton wants the government to be the provider in all of your lives. Never mind that hospitals are mainly private concerns. Never mind that BILLIONS are spent each year needlessly printing information from government offices in hundreds of languages. Never mind that most legal residents can read and write English or they want to learn it as quickly as possible (I still think that they shouldn't be able to work the drive through at Burger King until you can understand them though). Nope Hill wants you to have to rely on the government to be able to function in society.

Of course, these things come with a price tag. I'm sure that there is a tax increase in there somewhere. Now of course, the Democrats will say they are only going to raise taxes on the richest of Americans. But at the last minute someone will add a global warming rider on the bill that will tax carbon dioxide production. It sounds good doesn't it. The only rub is that you are the world's primary producer of carbon dioxide. That's right, you. If you don't want to be taxed for your contribution to global warming then you are just going to have to stop breathing. Yep, every time that you exhale you are causing the destruction of the planet. Maybe Al will let you use some of his carbon offsets.

UPDATE: My wife tells me that Rush talked about this yesterday. I checked his website and sure enough, Rush had a brilliant monologue on this yesterday. Great minds think alike I guess but I don't want to be accused of ripping off Rush. No one is as clean and articulate as the great one.


Monday, June 04, 2007

Olivia King Needs Your Help

It has been a wild month. My oldest son graduated high school, I retired from the Air Force, my daughter left on a trip to Washington D.C., and last Friday night, my son played in the state all star football game. We still plan on a trip later this summer but right now we are catching our breath.

As busy as we have been, I can't imagine what my cousin and his family are going through. His daughter has a rare form of cystic fibrosis and had to have a liver transplant seven years ago. Due to complications during the surgery, she has had problems and been in and out of the hospital ever since. Now her liver is failing once again and she will need another transplant. Please go to her site and read her story. On the right sidebar, there are links to her funds raisers. The family will have to come up with about $180,000. I ask that you consider helping this young lady.
